Here you can find a collection of research utilizing recent KIP survey data.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Meredith Cahill, Robert Illback, and Nicholas Peiper
A paper exploring the association between perceived racial discrimination and mental health among youth in Kentucky using KIP data.
Nicholas C. Peiper, Richard Clayton, Richard Wilson, Robert Illback
A paper describing the validation of the K6 Scale for Serious Psychological Distress for use among youth using KIP data.
Nicholas Peiper, Richard Clayton, Richard Wilson, Robert Illback, Elizabeth O’Brien, Richard Kerber, Richard Baumgartner, and Carlton Hornung
A paper identifying subtypes of serious emotional disturbance among youth in Kentucky using KIP data.
Academic Presentations
Teresa McGeeney, Patti Clark, and Ben Birkby
A research presentation examining on the impact of anti-bullying policies on youth suicidal behavior using KIP data. Presented at the 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Awarded Outstanding Student Abstract Award for the School Health Education and Services Section.
Teresa McGeeney, Patti Clark, and Ben Birkby
A research poster exploring the relationships between different types of peer victimization and youth suicidal behaviors using KIP data. Presented at the 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Teresa McGeeney, Patti Clark, Ashley Webb, Michael Singleton, and Sara Robeson,
A research poster describing an epidemiological investigation into rising youth suicide rates in Kentucky including the examination of KIP data. Presented at the 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Teresa McGeeney, Patti Clark, and Ben Birkby
A research poster examining the disparities in mental health and suicidal behaviors facing youth connected to the military. Presented at the 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Meredith Cahill, Lisa Crabtree, Teresa McGeeney, Michael Jones, and Paula Brown
The poster presentation centered on the role of peer and parental disapproval as protective factors against youth substance use. Particular focus was placed on examining whether peer or parental disapproval was more protective against youth vaping and cigarette, alcohol, and cannabis use among middle and high school students in Kentucky. Presented at the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Conference on June 24, 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah